Email Activity

Email marketing is the process whereby email is used to promote your company. It's used to cultivate relationships with potential customers, keep current customers informed and updated about your brand, offer coupons to encourage customer loyalty, and more!

So what is email marketing used for?
Over time, email marketing can be used to create consumer trust and turn them into repeat customers. It's also an easy way to keep your customers up-to-date on new launches or promotions you run. People want to keep up-to-date with your company, and email marketing is one of the best ways to stay engaged with it.

What is the benefit of email marketing over other methods of marketing?
Email is used by 94 %of Internet users. So email marketing allows you to reach a lot of internet users even if they're not on social media. In addition, a survey found that an overwhelming 75% of adult web users say email marketing is currently their favorite form of marketing!
If you don't already use email marketing, that's definitely something you should consider in order to reach a wider audience and strengthen the relationship between your brand and current customers.