Meme Marketing

We are a marketing agency focused on the development of ideas and behaviors that propagate from person to person within a community through efficient, positively disruptive and grounded methods.

It's about packing the brand's engagement objectives in the form of Memes, giving the Meme campaign a focused direction backed by the strategic delivery of content through the Indian Meme network.

Indian Meme culture is a huge untapped attention area for Brands, and it's high time for Brands to get closer to it.

Meme Marketing = Meme Creation + Meme Amplification

Today, memes have a specific connotation in our digital environment. What makes memes so special is their way of communicating attitudes, feelings and situations. Because of their popularity, it comes as no surprise that brands want a piece of this pie. The value of Meme Marketing is phenomenal, but how do you actually make it happen?